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Leapin' Lizards, It's 2024!


As we celebrate the beginning of 2024 - The Year of the Wood Dragon - we can look forward to a year of awesome growth, creativity, and flexibility. The Dragon is known for its power, strength, and transformative capacity. When a Zodiac sign is paired with a natural element - and this year, it's wood - the dragon's notable power takes on the characteristics of optimism, stability, ambition, loyalty, and adventure. According to the Chinese calendar, the Wood Dragon is the most creative and visionary of the dragons. It brings opportunity for transformation, evolution, improvement, and abundance.

Dragon mythology comprises some of the oldest imagery for awesome fierceness and transformative power in human awareness. Dragons have been depicted with reptilian, feline, avian, and mammalian traits in Eastern and Western traditions. In Mesopotamian mythology, the god Marduk battled with the dragon, Tiamat, for supremacy over humans. Egyptian mythology features Apep or Apophis, the serpentine creature of the underworld. Leviathan, the fearsome sea creature, is well known from Hebrew cosmogonies as wreaking havoc in the deep. The highest ranking creature in Chinese animal hierarchy is the dragon, known as a beloved, treasured companion to emperors, and gift of the gods. In the West, of course, "slaying dragons" became synonymous with acts of heroism and bravery because dragons were fire-breathing, flying monstrosities bent on human destruction. The c. 6th century C.E. legend of St. George slaying the dragon to save a vulnerable princess has potent antecedents in the East and chivalrous derivatives all throughout Christendom.

What inspirational draconian work are we considering in this New Year? Perhaps we are daring to make a change, shed some old skin, move on from something that has been holding us back, something unhealthy, or something that keeps us imprisoned or "stuck." A "Composting the Soul" retreat might be in order if you are considering a career change/vocational shift/relationship reboot/holistic health rebalance.

Maybe we just need to physically MOVE? Get up and go outside! Relocate. Get a new perspective. Go where we are nourished. Take flight to the natural places, soulscapes, and home-bases where we feel most adventurous, joyful, and free. Maybe explore a new neighborhood or community that feels like we are truly embraced, empowered, and challenged.

If we can just take that first fierce step, or lift off to a new adventure, who knows what fire will erupt from within? It might be our dragon-selves moving us to new heights!

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